** Advertise with us to get great results at lower cost. ** We offer catalog & Website Banner advertising. Dear Advertisers, We are looking for potential advertisers such as raptor breeders, feed suppliers, hunting dogs, Falconry Art etc, to advertise in our yearly falconry supply catalog. Our catalog is mailed out to over ten thousand raptor enthusiasts in the US and foreign countries. This year’s catalog will be over seventy pages long and will consist of falconry equipment, raptor breeders, falconry artwork, feed suppliers and other falconry related suppliers. We are now the only Falconry Supply Business in the USA that still provides a Free Falconry Supply catalog to our customers, so if you want to be seen by thousands of customers each year, please come advertise with us. “Our advertising prices are very competitive and are listed below. You may wonder why we continue to produce our catalog in its smaller size. The reason we do this is so that we can add our catalog to customers orders and in this way we get thousands of free catalogs out to more customers each year to promote our advertisers products. We now offer on-line advertising for falconry related business at very competitive prices and if you already advertise in our catalog we will list you for free for one month. Online advertising as low as $35.00 a month or $350.00 a year for front page Banner advertising from our main website page. (Banner ad size is 180 x 50 pixels.) Breeders and feed suppliers if you want your ads to be seen by lots of new falconers, give our catalog a try or sign up for on-line advertising. We think you will find our advertising prices very competitive and we will do an excellent job for you. All advertisements need to be sent to us before November 15th. All ads must be sent ready to copy, either from disk, scan able or via e-mail download. We prefer JPG format. All advertising will be done in black and white. If you prefer a color ad we can offer you a full page ad on the inside front, inside back or the back cover. Color full page ads cost is $450.00. Advertising fees for black & white ads will be $75.00 for half page ad, (4 1/2” x 3 1/2”), $150.00 for a full-page ad, (4 1/2 x 7 1/2”). If we have to do any text or setup for your ad we will have to charge $35.00 an hour. If you have any questions, please call us or e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you and taking care of your advertising needs. Advertisers please note we charge a $5.00 handling fee to process your online advertising payments. Banner advertising:Please contact us directly about starting Banner advertising on our website at mikes@mikesfalconry.com Note: To our present advertisers please let us know if you will need any changes made to your ads from last year. We also want to thank you for advertising with our business again and we look forward to hearing from you soon. NEW WEBSITE COMING SOON: We are having a new website built and it will be opening later this fall or just after the first of the year, so please come visit us and see all of the new improvements. Advertisers you can now pay online for your full or half page advertisements that we run in our yearly catalog. Pick from the drop down menu listed below to make your payment now. Once your payment has been sent you can also send us your JPG files for your half or full page ads to the e-mail address listed below. Thanks very much and we look forward to helping you with all of your advertising needs. Mike’s Falconry Supplies Inc. Mike Syring Owner Sincerely, Mike Syring E-mail – mikes@mikesfalconry.com Toll-free 1-888-663-5601, Fax-503-663-9554

Advertising for a full or half page yearly ad
$75.00 – $625.00
Advertise with us to get great results at lower cost. ** We offer catalog & Website Banner advertising..
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