This is the personal story of a life-long falconer captivated at an early age by the sport. Readers will easily be caught up in this smoothly flowing narrative and the sincere and candid way in which Gallagher relates his experiences. Many of the names and events described will be recognized by fellow falconers, and anyone familiar with the falconry literature will appreciate Gallaghers admiration for Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. The book is divided into two parts, the first one describing Gallaghers early experiences and life to the age of 19. It then fast-forwards approximately 35 years almost to the present day as the author travels to Italy to follow in Fredericks footsteps. The intriguing tale told herein will make this book popular among falconers who will identify with the author, and anyone not already interested in the sport will find him/herself eagerly wanting to read more. A superb book that anyone will enjoy reading especially those that are passionate about falcons and falconry.
5134 Falcon Fever, Hardbound, 326 pg. $25.00
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