Falcons of North America
BY KATE DAVIS, New updated Second Edition 2021.
This new update Second Edition comes with a lot more information including Aplomado falcons, Prairie and Peregrines and so many more color pictures you will really enjoy this book.
This charming, well-written book tells us lots about our six North American falcons. Kate used her experience as a falconer, researcher, rehabilitator, educator, conservationist, and artist to give us an insight into how falcons live and their relationships with humankind. The emphasis is on the Peregrine Falcon, unquestionably the most charismatic of the falcons, yet all are covered well in detailed species accounts. The book is a nice blend of personal experience, rendering of the literature, and behavioral observations, with sidebars on some interesting falcon projects, and more. And the vast majority of the photos are just stunning! A must for anyone who loves falcons and photos of them and wants to learn more about them. All copies are signed. Photographs by Rob Palmer and Nick Dunlop.
5132 Falcons of North America, Second Edition, soft cover book 252 pages. $28.00
All copies have been signed by the author.
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