
Portable Bow-perch, now with Stainless bow rods. Comes wrapped with nylon rope.

Original price was: $265.00.Current price is: $255.00.

New 2025 upgraded design for our Portable bow perch. Please note we have upgraded this perch with an additional stainless steel rod underneath the top perch rod. This will make this perch much safer so that your bird will not be able to go underneath the main perching rod and maybe tangle the leash.

Perfect size portable Bow-perch for Female Harris, Red tail, Ferruginous hawk size birds.


Portable Bow-perch, now with Stainless bow rod.

New 2025 upgrade for our Portable bow perch. Please note we have upgraded this perch with an additional stainless steel rod underneath the top perch rod. This will make this perch much safer so that your bird will not be able to go underneath the main perching rod and maybe tangle the leash.

Perfect size portable Bow-perch for Female Harris, Red tail, Goshawks, Ferrugious hawk, Great Horned owl size birds. Perch top comes wrapped with nylon rope that is long lasting. Large Portable Bow-perch with newly updated design that includes a stainless 1/2 inch diameter perching rod. When you need a perch for indoors or for transporting in your vehicle, our portable bow-perch is just the right thing. The 1/2″ diameter bow rod is now made with stainless steel and is 11″ high at the top and is connected to a 1/8″ thick steel rectangular plate measuring 24″ x 17″. It also comes with a 4 inch stainless ring to move easier over the perch top. For easier storage the bow will unbolt from the steel plate with 1/2″ case hardened steel bolts. The design and over all strength of this perch will handle the largest of hawks. The perch bottom plate is powder coated for years of trouble free use and comes with two holes to spike the plate to the ground if needed.

Perch weight is about 16 lbs. If put on a smooth surface your bird may pull it a little bit. So you might need to add some more weight on the plate to keep it from moving or if in your mews you have a wood floor you could put a couple lag bolts through the two holes on each corner of this perch plate.


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