Spartrix tablets used to treat Frounce or Canker in birds


Spartrix is in a handy tablet form so pigeons can be treated individually ensuring all birds receive the required dose. Whenever canker is seen, all birds should be treated. Adult birds should be treated before breeding and again before racing season. Young birds should be treated with half a tablet at weaning or before flying out.


Spartrix is in a handy tablet form so pigeons can be treated individually ensuring all birds receive the required dose. Whenever canker is seen, all birds should be treated. Adult birds should be treated before breeding and again before racing season. Young birds should be treated with half a tablet at weaning or before flying out.

Ingredients: Carnidazole 10mg
Dose: Dose 20mg/kg bodyweight.
Adult pigeons: One tablet per bird.
Young, weaned pigeons: Half a tablet per bird.
Young pigeons: At weaning
Adult pigeons: Before mating; during the first part of the brooding period; after return from races when the birds have been in travel boxes/baskets.

Spartrix 10 mg tablets are safe for brooding birds with and without young.
The product has no adverse effects on the condition of the nestlings. In order to reduce the risk of re-infection following treatment, good management and hygiene practices are essential, in particular regular cleaning of the premises to remove pigeon excreta. If signs of disease persist or appear, consult your veterinarian.

Be sure to read the directions fully before using on the container.

663 – Spartrix By Harkers .Size: 50 Tablets 10mg Carnidazole.

Comes in a plastic tub that is 3 inch tall x 3 inch wide and weighs 2oz.


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