Standard Grommet pliers, size 2 grommets. 3/8 diameter holes.


These handy grommet pliers will do a quick clean job of setting the grommets on your birds next pair of anklets…

Standard Grommet pliers, size 2 grommets. 3/8 diameter holes.

This size pliers is best used for Extra large F/ Red tails, Ferriginous hawk.

These handy grommet pliers will do a quick clean job of setting the grommets on your birds next pair of anklets. This will also keep your bird and you from stressing out during handling. Just hood your bird and then put the anklets on, it will be just that easy.

#534 Size 2 grommets.3/8 inch diameter hole.

All of our grommet pliers now come with the new rubber handles that make them much easier to use. We now include a free pack of grommets with each pair of grommet pliers ordered.


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